Since the beginning of the human race there has been a lingering question as to the origin of mankind.How did we get here  and what is the purpose of our life. When God created Adam he wrote the purpose of creating mankind and saved it in such a way that it can be read at any part of world  after thousands of years. Human being write on  paper with pen and ink. Paper deteriorate with time and writing vanishes. Supreme creator has sent a message to all human being and it is written in holy books. People want to find any proof that this message is from Allah and where did he write? 

Allah made the body of Adam in such a way that it raised the body in 4 stages. When head is raised from lowest level to highest level human body moves in space. We will trace the movement on a piece of paper and read the message . 

If we arrange the 4 poses in a sequence from left hand side towards right hand side then it is shown in the figure 

(1) A person is trying to get by raising

his legs and hands up. At this position head is at lowest level

Draw first stage on a piece 

of paper

(2) In second stage he bends his knees and pushes the earth by his hands and sits on ground as shown in the figure.

(3)In third stage he extends

his legs while sitting on ground

with upper body in vertical position as shown in the figure.

(4) In fourth stage he stands up vertically with his head at the highest position

Draw these stages on piece of paper in a sequence.

In the figure there are four heads  seen but the person has one head. In order to read the message only extreme left head is considered the part of message If you read the message, then it becomes

AL HAMAD Lillah written in Arabic. It means that all praise

is for Allah. 

It is the first verse in Quran.

Since all human beings have same kind of body, When they raise their head from lowest to highest

level, the same message is repeated which is the purpose of creation of mankind




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